Classes and Workshops

Set Your Hook Free!

I don't like following crochet patterns and I love breaking the rules.  There is joy to be found in sitting down with yarn, a hook, inspiration and allowing something beautiful to emerge.  In this two hour class we will begin with a few small pieces made in advance, and then using only basic crochet stitches, create a piece of freeform fiber art. You will be guided by some basic methods of freeform crochet - scrumbles, surface embellishment, and random fabric creation.  We will be focusing on texture, color, and flow so no difficult stitches will be used.  If you have a sense of adventure and can chain, single crochet and double crochet, you can experience the freedom of unchained crochet.

 Tunisian Crochet - Get Hooked, Be Amazed

Tunisian crochet is one of the hottest trends in the crochet world - don't get left behind.  Also known as afghan stitch this technique can be used for a full variety of crochet projects and best of is fun!  As a tunisian crochet designer I have taught everything from basics, fancy stitches, lace and cables.  Let me bring you into the wonderful world of tunisian crochet. This is a 3 hour workshop.

Students will learn the basic tunisian crochet stitches as well as tunisian knit stitch, purl stitch, tunisian double crochet and how to combine these for interesting stitch patterns. Students will leave with an understanding of how tunisian crochet fabric is created and how to avoid some of the common issues associated with it such a the density of the fabric and its tendency to bias and curl.

  Lace and Cables in Tunisian Crochet 

This three hour class is divided equally in two parts during which the students will learn methods of cabling and lace making in tunisian crochet. The cables created in tunisian crochet look very much like knitted cables and are created in much the same way.

In the lace portion we will learn the two main ways lace is created - increases and decreased on the forward pass or the return pass. It is truly amazing what can be created with this method of crochet.

 Crochet Circles Around Your Life

Mastering the concept of crocheting in circles will enable you to create your own hats, slippers, purses, coasters...and the list could go on and on.  In this class we will cover the math of circles, changing colors, turning circles into cylinders, and how to design your own projects.   This is best taught as a 3 hour workshop.


If you would like to book Sheryl for your guild, yarn shop or fiber festival, or retreat, please contact her at